Library Build Day 20 – Pack up and Post

Pack up day involved polishing my benchtops with a high level of care and precision. These really are the most loved benchtops. There was also the need to remove the cardboard which had been collecting from all the boxes and packaging. Luckily, dad has a large car and just up the road from my house…

Library Build Day 19 – Benchtop

The benchtop was installed today. It took longer than I would have liked as the wall behind the half height Ikea Billy units is deceptively curved and each segment of the benchtop had to be modified to ensure a snug fit. As each piece was cut to size, I carefully collected the warm red saw…

Library Build Day 18 – Sliding Ladder

Today is one of the most glorious days of my life. My sliding library ladder was installed! My built in Ikea Billy bookshelves are complete! I was climbing and sliding and giggling in every spare moment. Dad could even hear me when he was outside making minor adjustments to the end stoppers (these stop the…

Library Build Day 17 – More Painting

The final coat of paint went on!!! The blue painter’s tap was slowing peeled off and the painting equipment packed away. Dad installed the doors onto the half height Ikea Billy units (I don’t have the patience for door hinge adjustments) and I attached a knob to each door. The doors are made to match…

Library Build Day 16 – Painting

The whole family is in today, and everyone has a paintbrush. This is how I plan to work through much of the paintwork in one day; recruit experienced and willing helpers. Dad and I did the second coat on the ceiling (I’m really happy with how well this has come up. If you are thinking…

Library Build Day 15 – Painting Prep

All the pieces of MDF, cornice, pine and everything else which will be painted but hasn’t previously been painted needed a coat of primer. It’s an odd start to the day. You paint, but it doesn’t count as one of the two coats of paint you need to do with the wall colour. It took…

Library build Day 14 – Surround Details

The beautifully cut detail pieces were all glued into place today. Each piece had the final length confirmed before cutting and clamps were again moved about the room as required. The Ikea Billy units are now fully built in and look fabulous (if I don’t say so myself). Before filling the shelves with books, or…

Library Build Day 12 – Ladder Rail Brace

The other long piece which came in the order for the hardware was the bracing piece for the sliding library ladder rail. This was a wonderfully straight piece of timber (just as I’d requested) and simply needed to be cut down in length before being fixed into place. There was one slight issue though. Do…

Library Build Day 11 – Details

Today was a lot of finishing touches. The piece of cornice was added to the side, at the end of the very last Ikea Billy unit. Filler was used top and bottom of the cornice to seal it in properly. This included sculpting the corners of the cornice. I know most people don’t notice (or…

Library Build Day 10 – Cornice Up

Yesterday’s order from the hardware arrived early which meant two things; 1. I was again grateful my house has a long corridor and that the lounge room is so big. The lengths of timber and cornice I ordered yesterday are 5.4 meters long. Where do you store that? And, 2. It’s time to make these…